Hi guys!
Mario here with a rather long post!
Here, I'll post EVERY SINGLE VILLAGE/MAIN PLACE you can find on the MineZ map. Starting from the South, and going up North
Portsmouth is known as a fishing town as it is right on the coast of the Southern Ocean. It is quite close to one spawn area and is usually populated by lots of newly-spawned players. It consists of many small buildings, a church (healing), barn and graveyard. The town has a lot of food items that spawn. In the barn there IS a crafting table, so you can bake cookies and bread. Only one problem: there isn't much protection from zombies, and bandits will rarely attack. You will also commonly see teams of 8 players being peaceful here.
Good: Water refill, Crafting Bench
Bad: No farm, no brewing stands
Civilian Chests: 8+ common chests, 4 hospital chests, 2+ store chests, 1+ tool chests
Military Chests: 3 common chests, rare uncommon chests
Camp Bell
Camp Bell is known as a Military Camp, as you can find lots of armor, a few weapons and the odd Health potion. It consist of 4 towers in the corners of the camp, along with 8 dormitories which are joined as 4 houses: there are 4 on ground floor, and 4 on 1st floor. There are very rare iron armor and iron sword spawnings at Camp Bell. It is recommended to leave the camp as quick as possible, as it is quite often attacked by fully-armed bandits and zombies. Camp Bell is opposite of Bell Farm, which is useful as you can find food across the path.
Good: None
Bad: No water refill, no crafting bench, no farm, no brewing stands
Civilian Chests: 1 hospital chest
Military Chests: 4 uncommon chests, 1 rare chest
Bell Farm
Just opposite of Camp Bell is Bell Farm. It consists of a barn and a tall tower, and the most common item that is spawned here is food. Normally the food isn't great, such as melons and rotten flesh. However, there will sometimes be mid-level gear in the tall tower!
(There aren't many things to say about Bell Farm)
Grimdale is probably the most popular town near to the spawn area as it is one of the largest towns in the map. Pretty much all kinds of loot spawn here, such as weapons, leather armor, and other items like food and Health Potions, considering there is a church. Grimdale was the capitol city before the zombie apocalypse that is MineZ. There are lots of houses, and a main house which consist of around 5-8 chests. There IS crafting and a water source, making Grimdale a rather awesome town to spawn near! There is a wall surrounding Grimdale, making it unlikely for zombies to get in, unless they spawn inside the walls!
Good: Water refill, crafting table, a farm of 3 wheat
Bad: No brewing stands
Civilian Chests: 13+ common chests, 4 hospital chests, 2+ store chests, 2+ tool chests
Military Chests: 1+ common chests
Romero is pretty much the biggest town in MineZ and is popular along the newly spawned players as it is located in the South. There are lots of players that come here because of it's high chest-spawn rate and it's infinite supply of Health pots. There are, unfortunately, quite a lot of downsides to Romero. First, it's high zombie spawn rate. Then, bandits normally come back a LOT to raid the town. This is because of it's Health Potions. If you are seen looting Health pot chests, you'll likely be killed by a bandit, so watch out! Try to heal others as you aren't normally killed by Leather-armored players. Also, before you go there, you must be sure to collect as many supplies as possible, so you can fend off the large number of zombies and players. And finally, due to the great population, players hoard THOUSANDS of zombies per second! So watch out in Romero (not as romantic as it sounds...).
Good: Water refill, crafting table
Bad: No farm, no brewing stands
Civilian Chests: 9+ common chests, 4 hospital chests, ? store chests, 2+ tool chests
Military Chests: ? common chests
Obsidian Miner
Wednesday, 31 October 2012
Server Spotlight: MineZ Classic!
Hi guys!
Mario here with my review of MineZ, simply because I never did it.
In a nutshell, MineZ is a Minecraft version of the popular DayZ mod for ArmA II. You go around collecting weapons, food, potions, water, medical supplies and armor and eventually head towards the north of the map, where the epic loot is!
There are over 500,000 registered players to this server, and have 2 gamemodes; Classic and Last Man Standing.
In Classic, you spawn on the South Border of the map. There are about 2 different biomes you can spawn in: forest and desert. The forest is rather vast and you may have to walk a bit to find a town, depending where exactly you spawn. The desert is decently big, and consists of cacti, campsites, lighthouses and big Colosseum-type things. Around all the different buildings you can find chests. There will be more chests in a town than there will be in, say, a lighthouse, which only holds 1 chest. They can contain food, armor, medical supplies, weapons, arrows and bottles of liquids.
Here are a few key things you may find in Southern Chests:
Mario here with my review of MineZ, simply because I never did it.
In a nutshell, MineZ is a Minecraft version of the popular DayZ mod for ArmA II. You go around collecting weapons, food, potions, water, medical supplies and armor and eventually head towards the north of the map, where the epic loot is!
There are over 500,000 registered players to this server, and have 2 gamemodes; Classic and Last Man Standing.
In Classic, you spawn on the South Border of the map. There are about 2 different biomes you can spawn in: forest and desert. The forest is rather vast and you may have to walk a bit to find a town, depending where exactly you spawn. The desert is decently big, and consists of cacti, campsites, lighthouses and big Colosseum-type things. Around all the different buildings you can find chests. There will be more chests in a town than there will be in, say, a lighthouse, which only holds 1 chest. They can contain food, armor, medical supplies, weapons, arrows and bottles of liquids.
Here are a few key things you may find in Southern Chests:
- Water Bottles - These restore your Hydration Level, which is shown by your experience NUMBER (not the bar). The highest your Hydration can go is 20, and once it runs out you will begin to die of dehydration, so you must remember to drink
- Health Pots - These will heal 3-7 hearts, depending on the strength of the potion (some were whizzed from the Brewing Table, some were carefully prepared by Minecraftia mages).
- Apples, Melons and Rotten Flesh - Food can be found around in chests as well. As usual, you must eat. The server is on hard mode, so if you DO NOT EAT, YOU WILL DIE!!! I also believe Rotten Flesh has less chance to give you Hunger.
- Basic Armor - You can find Leather Armor in Southern Chests, which you can use to protect yourself or to repair damaged armor. There will also be occasional Chain Armor, but in the South it's quite rare.
As you progress to the North, there will become less water sources. People will want to kill you more as you may have some delicious food or some Water. However, the further north you go, the better loot you get. In the North, Iron Armor and Iron Swords will be available, some even enchanted! Bows and Arrows will be available more often, with more crafting supplies for bread and cookies. Wooden Hoes and Iron Shovels will be found, which can be used to break melon blocks, cobwebs, cacti and pumpkins!
Here's a question: are you a Medic? Do you not want to be out fighting, but instead healing other Zed-slayers? Well, there are lots of supplies a true Medic can collect:
Here's a question: are you a Medic? Do you not want to be out fighting, but instead healing other Zed-slayers? Well, there are lots of supplies a true Medic can collect:
- Paper (Bandage) - Paper can be used to heal teammates. You can toss them a bandage if they begin to bleed.
- Shears (Medi-tool) - The Shears allow you to heal and beef up teammates without having to give them supplies!
- Red Dye (Healing Ointment) - The Red Dye will increase the amount of health regenerated when healing.
- Lime Green Dye (Antibiotics) - The Lime Green Dye will remove any infection that you have received via fighting, eating etc.
However, most of the Medical supplies are rare, especially the healing ointment and antibiotics. Just in case you are bored of playing normal MineZ, I've created some classes with specific rules on what you're allowed to collect.
- You may pick up swords and armor
- You may NOT pick up bows or arrows
- You may only have ONE Health Potion in your inventory at a time
- You may have up to TWO Snowballs in your inventory
- You may have as many bandages as you wish, but NO other Medical supplies allowed
- You may pick up bows and arrows
- You may ONLY pick up Wooden Swords
- You may have as many snowballs/ender pearls as you wish
- You may have as many bandages as you wish, but NO other Medical supplies allowed
- You may have up to THREE Health Potions in your inventory at a time
- You are allowed to collect Iron Shovels, Wooden Hoes, Ender Pearls and Snowballs and use them normally.
- You may NOT collect an Iron Sword, you may only have Wood or Stone
- You are allowed to collect bows and arrows, but NOT enchanted ones
- You may have as many Medical supplies/Health Potions as you wish
- You may collect any armor you wish
- You may only collect Wood Swords or any type of sword that is enchanted
- You may only collect enchanted Bows
- You may pick up Gunpowder and make Splash Potions
- You may have as many Health Pots, Medical supplies and Golden Apples as you wish
- You may collect as many Health Pots, Medical supplies and Golden Apples as you wish
- You may NOT collect Stone or Iron Swords, only Wooden
- You may ONLY collect Leather Armor, never Chain nor Iron
- You must use a Sugar/Ender Pearl/Snowball as soon as you see a zombie
- You may only eat Apples, Cookies, Melons and Golden Apples (you can drink any potion or water)
- You may collect any supplies, like normal, but there's a twist...
- As soon as you see a zombie, you must go towards it
- As soon as a Giant begins to attack you, you cannot flee at ANY POINT; you must fight
Well, just so you know, this server is still AWESOME! I only just started playing on it again and it is EPIC!
Obsidian Miner
Going To Try Draw All 4 Obsidian Miners!
NOTE: My computer still has some sort of headache, so it isn't performing very well. I will try to give it a rest over the next couple of days and use my laptop to post instead. If it feels any better tomorrow, I will likely be able to get all the characters done.
Hi guys!
Mario here with an update on some drawing I'm gonna try to do!
Now, if you didn't already know, I am a terrible drawer. Compared to my drawing, Justin Bieber is awesome. BUT, because I wanted to have my Minecraft character in a picture format, I wanted to try and draw all 4 Obsidian Miners. Here they are, in case you didn't know!
Mariobros980 (Me)



Hullcity24MC (his skin was custom made by me)

Don't ask why we all have emo hair, we just like the skins! I've had my skin for ages now, and I'm not planning to change it for a long time! Anyways, here's how I'll draw them:
Obsidian Miner
Hi guys!
Mario here with an update on some drawing I'm gonna try to do!
Now, if you didn't already know, I am a terrible drawer. Compared to my drawing, Justin Bieber is awesome. BUT, because I wanted to have my Minecraft character in a picture format, I wanted to try and draw all 4 Obsidian Miners. Here they are, in case you didn't know!
Mariobros980 (Me)
Hullcity24MC (his skin was custom made by me)
Don't ask why we all have emo hair, we just like the skins! I've had my skin for ages now, and I'm not planning to change it for a long time! Anyways, here's how I'll draw them:
- I will draw them in real life on a sheet of paper
- Thankfully, my printer has a scanner with it. I will scan the drawing into the computer.
- I will go over all the lines in solid black using Paint.NET, and then add colour
- I will save the pictures, and add all 4 of them to a blog background!
At the moment, here's what I have done:
- Mariobros980 : Finished drawing, need to scan it
- Crazydude676 : Finished drawing, need to scan it
- 2003kaloful : Not started yet (will start later 31st October or on 1st November)
- Hullcity24 : Not started yet (will start later 31st October or on 1st November)
I would provide screenies of my drawings, but I don't want to spoil it. If you want the program I use to draw characters, it's called a Pencil. It's quite fascinating really, made out of lead and something else! I scan my drawings into a computer.
Obsidian Miner
Tuesday, 30 October 2012
My Computer...
Hi guys!
Mario here just to let you know how much of a jerk my computer is being to me at the moment!
When I first got it, I got 3 computer crashes (and Blue Screens of Death). Now, when I come on, it takes about 5 full minutes to come on, and then it went REALLY slow (not in games, on everything).
Today I got on successfully enough to post this, but just so you know; until I know what the problem is, my computer may be running slower and there may/may not be less maps provided in my series
I am working on the problem right now!
Obsidian Miner
Mario here just to let you know how much of a jerk my computer is being to me at the moment!
When I first got it, I got 3 computer crashes (and Blue Screens of Death). Now, when I come on, it takes about 5 full minutes to come on, and then it went REALLY slow (not in games, on everything).
Today I got on successfully enough to post this, but just so you know; until I know what the problem is, my computer may be running slower and there may/may not be less maps provided in my series
I am working on the problem right now!
Obsidian Miner
Have a Chance to Be In My Skin Project!
Hi guys!
Mario here with a quick update on a new map I'm making alongside the Zombies/RFW maps!
So, I had the idea to build a ginormous Superflat map filled with player skins from everywhere: YouTube, the creators, myself, Crazy, friends and just awesome Minecrafters. So, I'm going to make a map and put as many skins in as possible. There'll be:
Mario here with a quick update on a new map I'm making alongside the Zombies/RFW maps!
So, I had the idea to build a ginormous Superflat map filled with player skins from everywhere: YouTube, the creators, myself, Crazy, friends and just awesome Minecrafters. So, I'm going to make a map and put as many skins in as possible. There'll be:
- Every row will have 20 players in it
- After 20 players, we place the Row Number at both ends of the row, then move onto the second row
To have a chance of being in this map, you can do lots of things:
- Donate to: MCInfected, MineZ or Battle for Conwy Castle
- Be online on one of the Top 25 servers on Minestatus
- Go on Project Ares, ItsJerryAndHarry's public server, BfCC, MCInfected, MineZ, MineZ LMS, SuperFunTime Survival Server.
- Make a project in Minecraft to do with another game
I will release 1.0.0 of the map once I build 30 rows of players (that's 600 players, I believe)!
Obsidian Miner
Sunday, 28 October 2012
Server Spotlight: MineZ LMS!
Hi guys!
Mario here with the 2nd of a double Server Spotlight!
So, you may have heard of MineZ before. In case you haven't, MineZ is a Minecraft remake of the popular DayZ mod for ArmA II. In MineZ, you walk around a gargantuan map searching for the best supplies possible in order to fight the Zombie Giants in the Giantlands.
LMS stands for Last Man Standing, and is a brand-new gamemode for MineZ. In this gamemode, a max of 45 players go into one big map in which they have a "fight or flight" situation, in which they may fight with Wood Swords at the spawn to take other survivors' stuff, or quickly branch out to the towns in the map to seek better items.
As usual in MineZ, you have to drink in order to not die from dehydration. However, there's a twist; the only water source is in the centre of the map. That means players must keep collection water from the centre in order to keep hydrated. And don't think you can find water in chests either: the clever guys at MineZ made it so Water Bottles don't spawn in chests around the map.

This may sound like Hunger Games, but there's a difference; you wanna camp? Go play softcore Hunger Games! If you even TRY to camp your hydration level with decrease, so you will eventually die of dehydration via camping.
Eventually, the PvP will get very harsh, players who team fighting each other for the best loot. However, remember, if you kill someone, they become an undead corpse and you will have to kill the zombie before you can retrieve their loot! Chests still spawn random loot, PLUS the Hunger Games twist is still there; sometimes you'll lack a specific item, sometimes you won't find anything, and sometimes you'll get everything you dream of having in LMS.

As the game progresses, the match will go through 3 phases and a sort of 'Final Phase':
Mario here with the 2nd of a double Server Spotlight!
So, you may have heard of MineZ before. In case you haven't, MineZ is a Minecraft remake of the popular DayZ mod for ArmA II. In MineZ, you walk around a gargantuan map searching for the best supplies possible in order to fight the Zombie Giants in the Giantlands.
LMS stands for Last Man Standing, and is a brand-new gamemode for MineZ. In this gamemode, a max of 45 players go into one big map in which they have a "fight or flight" situation, in which they may fight with Wood Swords at the spawn to take other survivors' stuff, or quickly branch out to the towns in the map to seek better items.
As usual in MineZ, you have to drink in order to not die from dehydration. However, there's a twist; the only water source is in the centre of the map. That means players must keep collection water from the centre in order to keep hydrated. And don't think you can find water in chests either: the clever guys at MineZ made it so Water Bottles don't spawn in chests around the map.
This may sound like Hunger Games, but there's a difference; you wanna camp? Go play softcore Hunger Games! If you even TRY to camp your hydration level with decrease, so you will eventually die of dehydration via camping.
Eventually, the PvP will get very harsh, players who team fighting each other for the best loot. However, remember, if you kill someone, they become an undead corpse and you will have to kill the zombie before you can retrieve their loot! Chests still spawn random loot, PLUS the Hunger Games twist is still there; sometimes you'll lack a specific item, sometimes you won't find anything, and sometimes you'll get everything you dream of having in LMS.
As the game progresses, the match will go through 3 phases and a sort of 'Final Phase':
- Phase 1: Everything is normal
- Phase 2: Hydration level decreases faster
- Phase 3: Hydration level decreases really fast
- "Final Phase": Eventually, you lack hydration so much you are camping around spawn for water whilst fighting off other thirsty players.
One of the awesome things about MineZ is that they have LOADS of perks for players to buy. I think I'm correct in saying you can only equip one perk per tier at a time, and here's all the current tiers/perks:
Tier 1
Tier 3
Tier 1
- Kamikaze - Drop TNT on death
- Second Wind - Respawn with 1 heart and Slowness after death
- Grenadier - Spawn with 1 grenade at start of game
- Well Equipped - Spawn with a Chainmail Chestplate at start of game
- Zed Hunter - 50% more melee/bow damage to zombies
- Scavenger - Spawn with 2 wheat and 1 cocoa beans at start of game
Tier 2
- Runner - Spawn with Speed at start of game
- Fletcher - Spawn with Arrows at start of game
- Alchemist - Spawn with a Health Potion at start of game
- Blacksmith - Weapon durability is doubled
- Mr White - Spawn with 2 sugar at start of game
- Arrow to the Knee - 5% chance to inflict Slowness with a Bow
- Demoralizer - 5% chance to give a player Weakness on hit
- Necromancer - Snowballs spawn zombies on hit
- Killstreak - Gain 2 hearts after killing a player
- Adrenaline Junky - Inflict more damage to players/zombies per nearby zombies
- Carpenter - Spawn with a Bow at start of game
- Hulk - Spawn with 2 glowstone at start of game
That's just about it, now for the IP's:
You can replace US1 with anything up to US26!!!
Obsidian Miner
Server Spotlight: Project Ares!
Hi guys!
Mario here with a PvPer's dream server!
This server is called Project Ares (in case you don't know about Ancient Greece, Ares was the god of war). The idea of this server is that it will give you a ton of new PvP gamemodes for FREE! Here are ALL the maps on the server:
Airship Battle by dewtroid
Avalon Funland by 911chandler and Nadastorm
Battle of Tenjin by SajinZero
Blocks DTC by pepsidawg00
Cake Wars by Thungon and bigbangbrother02
Fairytales 2: A Tale or Two by D347HxD
Fortress Battles by Torn_Ares, Thungon and bigbangbrother02
Glacial Impact by IM_A_H0B0 and bleangamer
Golden Drought by Reshif
Harb by Plastix and SH4D0W_HAWK
Hot Dam by Nadastorm
Medieval Warfare by Daffy_Duck01
Paradise Isles by xxjkr7xx
Race for Victory by Plastix, MonsieurApple and Anxuiz
Race for Victory 2 by Plastix, MonsieurApple, Anxuiz and IM_A_H0B0
Race for Victory 3 by Plastix, MonsieurApple, Anxuiz and IM_A_H0B0
Sand Wars by Anxuiz
Scrap Mettle by KasiCrafter
Shroom Trip by Omnigarde
Spaceship Battles by Oversoul96
Spaceship Battles II by Oversoul96 and Eclipsen
Tree of Life by Stealth5061
Just a bunch of maps, you're thinking? NO!!!!!! These maps are absolutely huge with a lot of variety and awesomeness. Some people liked making these maps so much, they made sequels to their maps (Race for Victory and Spaceship Battles).
And, you may also be thinking, is this just PvP? Again, NO!!!!!! There's loads of gamemodes for each map. Here's a couple:
Mario here with a PvPer's dream server!
This server is called Project Ares (in case you don't know about Ancient Greece, Ares was the god of war). The idea of this server is that it will give you a ton of new PvP gamemodes for FREE! Here are ALL the maps on the server:
Airship Battle by dewtroid
Avalon Funland by 911chandler and Nadastorm
Battle of Tenjin by SajinZero
Blocks DTC by pepsidawg00
Cake Wars by Thungon and bigbangbrother02
Fairytales 2: A Tale or Two by D347HxD
Fortress Battles by Torn_Ares, Thungon and bigbangbrother02
Glacial Impact by IM_A_H0B0 and bleangamer
Golden Drought by Reshif
Harb by Plastix and SH4D0W_HAWK
Hot Dam by Nadastorm
Medieval Warfare by Daffy_Duck01
Paradise Isles by xxjkr7xx
Race for Victory by Plastix, MonsieurApple and Anxuiz
Race for Victory 2 by Plastix, MonsieurApple, Anxuiz and IM_A_H0B0
Race for Victory 3 by Plastix, MonsieurApple, Anxuiz and IM_A_H0B0
Sand Wars by Anxuiz
Scrap Mettle by KasiCrafter
Shroom Trip by Omnigarde
Spaceship Battles by Oversoul96
Spaceship Battles II by Oversoul96 and Eclipsen
Tree of Life by Stealth5061
Just a bunch of maps, you're thinking? NO!!!!!! These maps are absolutely huge with a lot of variety and awesomeness. Some people liked making these maps so much, they made sequels to their maps (Race for Victory and Spaceship Battles).
And, you may also be thinking, is this just PvP? Again, NO!!!!!! There's loads of gamemodes for each map. Here's a couple:
- Core: The aim of a Core game is to leak lava from the opposing team's Obsidian core. The more popular maps with this gamemode normally require you to build a bridge across to the opponent's side, but you get a Bow and Arrows...so it's hard! You will normally get a Diamond Pickaxe so you can break the Obsidian.
- Team Deathmatch: In TDM, you will normally spawn with a kit you constantly keep on getting after dying. The aim is to get your team to kill the most people on the opponent's team. The average score for a team is 200-250 kills per round. You normally get around 10 or 15 minutes to play, so kill as many people as you can (not in real life though).
- Capture the Wool: This is a smaller version of Vechs' Capture the Monument maps. The aim is to take wool from the enemies' base and put it on your monuments at spawn. On this version, you can either spawn with a kit OR have chests with items.
- Destroy the Monument: The aim of this is to destory 75% of the enemies' monument, which is hidden around the map somewhere. These maps normally give you items in chests, but can quite often use kits.
In some maps, there will be iron, gold and diamond blocks with which you can mine and create armor with. Now, before I say any more, a message to all the NOOBS out there that mine 10,000 BLOCKS!!1! Mine --->3 BLOCKS<--- and that many only! That's 27 of whatever ingot/gem block you mined. Mining 1000 DIAMONDS/IRON/GOLD IS GOING TO WASTE SUPPLIES FOR YOUR TEAM!!! And if you can't team, delete ALL your PvP servers and go play Singleplayer, where you don't have to team, BECAUSE YOU'RE ON YOUR OWN!!!
There can be wheat, melon and pumpkin farms on some maps, which you can get your own food from. There are only 2 or 3 maps which spawn mobs via Monster Spawners, one being to Battle of Lyndanisse. On one map, Ozone, players spawn with Speed II and Jump Boost effects. They also get an Iron Sword with Knockback I, a Bow which fires Ender Pearls (I prefer to call it the Bow of Teleporting Freakiness), 3 Golden Apples and 32 Cooked Fish. The aim of Ozone is TDM, but the real goal is to rack up the most Golden Apples (my record is 43).
Obsidian Miner
Wednesday, 24 October 2012
Working on My MinecraftForum Post!
Hi guys!
Mario here with an update on my PvP Collection!
So, if you didn't already know, I'm starting a PvP/PvE Collection! This is basically where I am trying to create brand new PvP gamemodes for people to play! Here's the 2 that I've got so far
Race for Wool
This isn't new, but Race for Wool is a gamemode where you have to collect three pieces of wool. First team to place them on the monument wins (the monument can be hidden in many different places...)
Zombies is a gamemode which up to 5 players can play: 4 Humans, and 1 Zombie Bringer. The human(s) will be a range of 4 different classes (these can vary between maps) They will have to fight 20 waves of zombies in different locations in order to succeed. The Zombie Bringer has to send the waves out and then fight the players themselves. The Zombie Bringer will get Protection X Armor and Zombie Head, a Diamond Sword with Sharpness IV and Fire Aspect I and a Bow with Power II. There will sometimes be different mob bosses...
This is all, but:
Obsidian Miner
Mario here with an update on my PvP Collection!
So, if you didn't already know, I'm starting a PvP/PvE Collection! This is basically where I am trying to create brand new PvP gamemodes for people to play! Here's the 2 that I've got so far
Race for Wool
This isn't new, but Race for Wool is a gamemode where you have to collect three pieces of wool. First team to place them on the monument wins (the monument can be hidden in many different places...)
Zombies is a gamemode which up to 5 players can play: 4 Humans, and 1 Zombie Bringer. The human(s) will be a range of 4 different classes (these can vary between maps) They will have to fight 20 waves of zombies in different locations in order to succeed. The Zombie Bringer has to send the waves out and then fight the players themselves. The Zombie Bringer will get Protection X Armor and Zombie Head, a Diamond Sword with Sharpness IV and Fire Aspect I and a Bow with Power II. There will sometimes be different mob bosses...
This is all, but:
Obsidian Miner
Tuesday, 23 October 2012
My To-Do List in Minecraft!
Hi guys!
Mario here with my checklist of things I would like to do in Minecraft!
Mario here with my checklist of things I would like to do in Minecraft!
- Create a map series that no-one has attempted before and is good
- Create a sky-based map (Skyblock, Sky Conqueror etc.)
- Complete Sky Conqueror
- Meet ChimneySwift11!!! <-- This is my main goal
- Create a server (eventually...)
- Get 10,000 kills on Battle for Conwy
- Prestige on MCInfected
- Get Traitor twice in a row on Trouble in MineVille (server review coming soon)
- Get website to 10k views
- Get website to 50k views (my goal)
- Get website to 100k views (this would be AWESOMEMEGAMAZING!)
- Produce more content
- Finish The Minecraftia 2.0
- Start/Finish theMinecraft tutorial
Obsidian Miner
Orange = in progress
Green = finished
Monday, 22 October 2012
New Map Let's Play Soon!
Hi guys!
Mario here with an update on a new Let's Play I will be starting soon!
So, I was looking around the MC Forums when I found:
ocomobock's Sky Conqueror!
And I decided to do a recorded LP of it! The first episode will be out either November or December, I don't know when. This is simply because I need to buy premium Screencast-o-Matic because then I could make episodes 30 minutes long, and it would take less time to complete the series!
So, hope you look forward to it!
Obsidian Miner
Mario here with an update on a new Let's Play I will be starting soon!
So, I was looking around the MC Forums when I found:
ocomobock's Sky Conqueror!
And I decided to do a recorded LP of it! The first episode will be out either November or December, I don't know when. This is simply because I need to buy premium Screencast-o-Matic because then I could make episodes 30 minutes long, and it would take less time to complete the series!
So, hope you look forward to it!
Obsidian Miner
The Ancient Zombie Transcript P1C1
Hi guys!
Mario here with some news on something I found whilst in a singleplayer world in Minecraft!
So, I was just killing off some Skeletons and Endermen who were being annoying, when one of them dropped a scroll. I looked at the title 'The Ancient Zombie Transcript'. I began to read it:
Chapter 1: The Era Before Minecraftia
A long time ago, Minecraftia never existed. It was just a blank space of air in another universe from where we are now. When suddenly, Notch, who was the God of this blank universe, decided to create an entire planet made COMPLETELY out of blocks. So, he did. And he made it so that it went on infinitely until the end of time. Players began to spawn on Minecraftia, and the world was peaceful as players tried to survive together.
However, there is always an enemy in any world. Somewhere past bedrock (yes, the void), an evil man named Herobrine was plotting a lot of evil-doings for the end of Minecraftia. He did not like blocks, he did not like people and he certainly did not like Notch.
So, one day, Herobrine finally found what he had been looking for: potions. If he combined Weakness, Poison and Slowness together, he could create terrifying monsters that would wreck the world forever. So he created a lot of main boss mobs. These were:
Mario here with some news on something I found whilst in a singleplayer world in Minecraft!
So, I was just killing off some Skeletons and Endermen who were being annoying, when one of them dropped a scroll. I looked at the title 'The Ancient Zombie Transcript'. I began to read it:
Chapter 1: The Era Before Minecraftia
A long time ago, Minecraftia never existed. It was just a blank space of air in another universe from where we are now. When suddenly, Notch, who was the God of this blank universe, decided to create an entire planet made COMPLETELY out of blocks. So, he did. And he made it so that it went on infinitely until the end of time. Players began to spawn on Minecraftia, and the world was peaceful as players tried to survive together.
However, there is always an enemy in any world. Somewhere past bedrock (yes, the void), an evil man named Herobrine was plotting a lot of evil-doings for the end of Minecraftia. He did not like blocks, he did not like people and he certainly did not like Notch.
So, one day, Herobrine finally found what he had been looking for: potions. If he combined Weakness, Poison and Slowness together, he could create terrifying monsters that would wreck the world forever. So he created a lot of main boss mobs. These were:
- The Flesh Ripper (Skeleton)
- The Teleporting Freak (Enderman)
- The Explosive Engineer (Creeper)
- The String Spitter (Spider)
- The Poison Punch (Cave Spider)
- The Zombie Bringer (Zombie)
Herobrine created the Zombie Bringer last of all because he wanted him to be the most ferocious; the scariest, the boldest, the most deadly. When it was finally created, Herobrine looked at his work. It was marvellous.
These boss mobs began to do diabolical work. They spawned monsters in every corner of the universe. They would blow up player-created villages and workshops. They would destroy chests, allowing wicked players to steal other players' items. It was a time of terror. And Notch did not find out until the full release of Minecraftia...
Well, that's all I found. I'll see if I can find another chapter by killing a few zombies! Cya then!
Obsidian Miner
Friday, 19 October 2012
Voting on MCInfected!
Hi guys!
Mario here with a quick update on MCInfected!
So, I was playing on the server literally 30 seconds ago, and there was NukeTown and Downturn. FYI, NukeTown is the WORST MAP THERE IS!!! Don't care about Call of Duty, in Minecraft it is s***! And guess what won!
FFS, people, start living life to the full on this server: Downturn is the 2nd easiest map to win on (aside from Hardhat), and NukeTown is the 2nd easiest to LOSE on (aside from Mission), and NUKETOWN F***ING WON!!! I'm sorry for bleeping out a lot here guys, but this is a sign that the world has gone insane. Downturn is a way better map, and yet you stick by your favourite Call of Duty map. My favourite map is Dome, and I will vote for it UNLESS there's a map you can get more cookies from! So, stop being map-huggers and start seeing which maps give cookies!
Best Maps:
Worst Maps:
Just bear that in mind guys...also, pictures from my RFW progress coming soon!
Obsidian Miner
Mario here with a quick update on MCInfected!
So, I was playing on the server literally 30 seconds ago, and there was NukeTown and Downturn. FYI, NukeTown is the WORST MAP THERE IS!!! Don't care about Call of Duty, in Minecraft it is s***! And guess what won!
FFS, people, start living life to the full on this server: Downturn is the 2nd easiest map to win on (aside from Hardhat), and NukeTown is the 2nd easiest to LOSE on (aside from Mission), and NUKETOWN F***ING WON!!! I'm sorry for bleeping out a lot here guys, but this is a sign that the world has gone insane. Downturn is a way better map, and yet you stick by your favourite Call of Duty map. My favourite map is Dome, and I will vote for it UNLESS there's a map you can get more cookies from! So, stop being map-huggers and start seeing which maps give cookies!
Best Maps:
Worst Maps:
Just bear that in mind guys...also, pictures from my RFW progress coming soon!
Obsidian Miner
Community Update: YouTube Reminder, New Obsidian Miner and More!
Hi guys!
Mario here with another Community Spotlight!
The below people are Obsidian Miners and will be on-purposely be in videos:
Mario here with another Community Spotlight!
The below people are Obsidian Miners and will be on-purposely be in videos:
- Mariobros980, owner of this website and Obsidian Miner
- Crazydude676, big help, YouTube owner and Obsidian Miner
- 2003kaloful, big help, YouTube owner and Obisidian Miner
And the new addition...
My friend Hullcity24MC is now a member of Obsidian Miners. This guy has been my friend for a long time now, and will be featured in some videos as well, especially MCInfected + Hunger Games videos!
Obsidian Miner
New Map Series!
Hi guys!
Mario here with an update on my brand new map series that will be the most likely to be fully completed without any boredom, incompletion etc!
So, I'm going to make a whole PvP map series, with tons of PvP gamemodes that I'm going to try and think of. Here's a couple so far:
Mario here with an update on my brand new map series that will be the most likely to be fully completed without any boredom, incompletion etc!
So, I'm going to make a whole PvP map series, with tons of PvP gamemodes that I'm going to try and think of. Here's a couple so far:
- PvP Arena: Just a simple PvP arena, you can keep coming back when you die
- Zombies: You will need at least 2 players for this gamemode. 1 player is the Zombie Bringer, a mystical monster who is said to bring zombies to life. The other players are humans, who have to fight off the 5-20 waves of zombies before attempting to kill the Zombie Bringer (Protection X Diamond Armor, Zombie Head and Diamond Sword with Fire Aspect I and Sharpness II)
- Race for Wool: This is my most anticipated series! Race for Wool is a gamemode in which requires 2 teams (could play 1v1, up to 4v4 if you want it enjoyable). The first team to collect 3 pieces of wool and place them on a monument (hidden somewhere) will win! But the wool is hidden in dungeons which could have anything, from Nether monsters to EnderDragons (I plan on making an Ender RFW map) and Wither bosses.
Obsidian Miner
Thursday, 18 October 2012
Community Update: New Computer, Legend of Ariza and More!
Hi guys!
Mario here with a quick Community Update!
I recently got a new computer that runs quite a bit faster than my old one did (actually, after being on it for 20 mins, it runs a lot faster). This means all of my saves, texture packs, mods etc. are all flushed down the loo! So, I'll prepare some new series for the channel!
Unfortunately, this means the Legend of Ariza is deleted. I didn't get very far anyways, but I will likely still be making a map...I just haven't decided what yet (Hint: RFW...if you know what these initials stand for, you'll know what I'm making).
Obsidian Miner
Sunday, 14 October 2012
Game Review: Realm of the Mad God!
Hi guys!
Mario here with my first Game Review, in which I review games for all different platforms!
This time it's Realm of the Mad God, a flash game which you can download on Steam (FREE) or you can play on 'realmofthemadgod.com'. This is a 2D-shoot 'em all game in which you take the role of up to 14 different classes, which are:
Mario here with my first Game Review, in which I review games for all different platforms!
This time it's Realm of the Mad God, a flash game which you can download on Steam (FREE) or you can play on 'realmofthemadgod.com'. This is a 2D-shoot 'em all game in which you take the role of up to 14 different classes, which are:
- Wizard: Starter Class
- Priest: Get to Level 5 with Wizard
- Archer: Get to Level 5 with Priest
- Rogue: Get to Level 5 with Archer
- Warrior: Get to Level 5 with Rogue
- Knight: Get to Level 20 with Warrior
- Paladin: Get to Level 20 with Knight and Priest
- Assassin: Get to Level 20 with Rogue and Wizard
- Necromancer: Get to Level 20 with Wizard and Priest
- Huntress: Get to Level 20 with Rogue and Archer
- Mystic: Get to Level 20 with Huntress and Necromancer
- Trickster: Get to Level 20 with Assassin and Paladin
- Sorcerer: Get to Level 20 with Necromancer and Assassin
- Ninja: Get to Level 20 with Rogue and Warrior
You start out on the beach with Tier 0 (Starter) loot and a HP pot. You will start out with basic quests, such as Scorpion Queen or Bandit Leader, and for killing monsters you will gain XP (you'll get extra XP for killing Quest Monsters). The highest level possible is 20, and once you get to Level 20 you will begin to earn 'Fame'. This is what will get you onto the leaderboard, if you're lucky. The last time I saw the leaderboard, 1st place had over 15,000 fame!
The main objective of the game is to kill monsters, get to the highest level possible, loot epic items and defeat Oryx the Mad God at the walls of his castle (and in his cellar...)! And all the loot comes from one thing: Loot Bags. Here are the 5 different types of Loot Bag:
Regular Loot Bag
As described on the wiki, it looks like a potato sack, and probably has the value of one. They drop lower-tier items and HP/MP pots. Unfortunately, these are rather common. This type of bag is viewable by any player, thus nicknaming it the 'public' bag.
Purple Loot Bag
These often contain higher-tier loot. If you drop something that isn't tradable, it will appear in this bag. Only you can see it's contents. Bags that only you can see are often referred to as 'Soulbound Bags'.
High-Tier Loot Bag
This bag contains higher-tier loot that is often dropped by Gods and Event Bosses. It can also contain Drake Eggs. This is another Soulbound bag.
Blue Potion Bag
This bag can contain Stat Pots, which increase the given stat by +1. This is a soulbound bag, like most bags.
Untiered Loot Bag
This bag ALWAYS contains untiered items (Untiered items are the best items in the game, making this the rarest bag). They are soulbound, thankfully!
Obsidian Miner
Wednesday, 10 October 2012
3000 Views Surprise: ObsidianMiners Community Forum!
Hi guys!
Mario here with my 3000 views present to you guys!
I just created a new community forum! That means you can register an account and then post all your latest Minecraft and Team Fortress 2 news. The URL is:
At the moment the forum is under DEEP work in progress, but we're working on it as quickly and as smoothly as possible.
Obsidian Miner
Mario here with my 3000 views present to you guys!
I just created a new community forum! That means you can register an account and then post all your latest Minecraft and Team Fortress 2 news. The URL is:
At the moment the forum is under DEEP work in progress, but we're working on it as quickly and as smoothly as possible.
Obsidian Miner
Tuesday, 9 October 2012
Community Update: 3000 Views, BfCC Class Map and More!
Hi guys!
Mario here with a Community Update!
I would like to thank everyone who has viewed this site, whether you're a regular viewer or only view it once every, say, 2 weeks. 3000 views is AMAZING! Considering I've never done any major advertising, it feels awesome to be able to have so many community members visit the site!
I recently started work on a map which will give many different classes for the server. There won't be a release until 1.4 as I need to use the Dyed armor for Ninja, as well as the Night Vision potions.
PLEASE remember to take 5 euros and donate to this server. I would HATE it if the server was to be closed because of lack of donations. This server is amazing, the plugin is well-put-together, and honestly, I would have liked to have hosted such an awesome server.
Obsidian Miner
Mario here with a Community Update!
I would like to thank everyone who has viewed this site, whether you're a regular viewer or only view it once every, say, 2 weeks. 3000 views is AMAZING! Considering I've never done any major advertising, it feels awesome to be able to have so many community members visit the site!
I recently started work on a map which will give many different classes for the server. There won't be a release until 1.4 as I need to use the Dyed armor for Ninja, as well as the Night Vision potions.
PLEASE remember to take 5 euros and donate to this server. I would HATE it if the server was to be closed because of lack of donations. This server is amazing, the plugin is well-put-together, and honestly, I would have liked to have hosted such an awesome server.
Obsidian Miner
- Try to kill people
- Use good PvP strategies on other players
- Play wisely
- HAVE FUN FFS!!!!! :D
- Spam arrows (it makes you look like you can't get more damage on a person)
- Use block hitting to kill people (it means you need extra protection to live)
- Spawn Camping...ok, ok, I HAVE spawn camped on the server, but I got killed anyways
And by the way, don't suggest these are noobish...I am #95 out of 10,000+ players. I know that there are people WAY better than me, but 95/10,000 is very high!
Monday, 8 October 2012
Project Battle for Conwy Castle!
Hi guys!
Mario here with another project I'm working on!
Just to note first: I AM still working on Legend of Ariza! I haven't abandoned it, don't worry!
I just created a plain, superflat world in which there will be a lot of chests. In each of these chests there will be a loadout for every new class. On the signs it will read:
first line blank
fourth line blank
And then inside:
Mario here with another project I'm working on!
Just to note first: I AM still working on Legend of Ariza! I haven't abandoned it, don't worry!
I just created a plain, superflat world in which there will be a lot of chests. In each of these chests there will be a loadout for every new class. On the signs it will read:
first line blank
fourth line blank
And then inside:
- Along the top is the inventory
- Down the right-hand side is the armor
- In the bottom-left corner will be Voting Details and any other extra info on the class
The first stable version will have to be compatible with 1.4, as it requires Invisibility Potions, Dyed Armor etc.
Obsidian Miner
Remember...Got a Question? We Can Answer!
Hi guys!
Mario here with quite an unusual update!
Just to remind you, I DO have a public e-mail address to which you can send me ANYTHING, from a picture to you and your mates playing Minecraft or whether it's to ask a question. And remember, responses come DIRECTLY FROM ME! They're not bots, not staff (like I'd have any apart from Crazy and Kalo, who are actually owners), just me! The answers will not be lies, but I will not reply to the following things:
Mario here with quite an unusual update!
Just to remind you, I DO have a public e-mail address to which you can send me ANYTHING, from a picture to you and your mates playing Minecraft or whether it's to ask a question. And remember, responses come DIRECTLY FROM ME! They're not bots, not staff (like I'd have any apart from Crazy and Kalo, who are actually owners), just me! The answers will not be lies, but I will not reply to the following things:
- Deathreats - If you send one of these, you're just trying to get people scared. Get a real life.
- Personal questions - I don't mind things like 'Where did you get the name Mariobros980?' or 'Do you have any pets?', but not stuff like 'How old are you?' or 'Where do you live?' (I live in the UK, BTW).
- Anything about my family - Yes, if you ask about my family, like if they've got problems or anything, I will likely block you or just ignore you.
Things we pleasurably answer are:
- New videos/series - Don't ask 'When is the next video out?' because it will likely be soon, but if you have any ideas on series, give us them! We WILL give credit for ideas if used!
- Ideas - If you have ideas for a new site, blog content, server lists, or just more content, feel free to tell us, and again, we will give you credit
- Fan Art - If you have anything that has to do with supporting us, PLEASE don't be embarrassed to send it to us! We will give credit and reply with a thanks!
Obsidian Miner
Sunday, 7 October 2012
Battle for Conwy Update #3!
Hi guys!
Mario here with a surprising new update for Battle for Conwy Castle!
If you don't know this server, join 'thedarkage.nl'. 'Nuff said.
Well, the chaps at BfCC HQ recently released a new map for us to play on. And it is EPIC! I do not know who the map was made by, whether the actual server creators or whether it's a map maker or someone? WELL DONE TO WHOEVER MADE THIS MAP!
The cycle goes like this:
Mario here with a surprising new update for Battle for Conwy Castle!
If you don't know this server, join 'thedarkage.nl'. 'Nuff said.
Well, the chaps at BfCC HQ recently released a new map for us to play on. And it is EPIC! I do not know who the map was made by, whether the actual server creators or whether it's a map maker or someone? WELL DONE TO WHOEVER MADE THIS MAP!
The cycle goes like this:
- Conwy Castle #1
- NEW MAP: The Gardens of Conwy (what I call it, anyway)
- Conwy Castle #2
- The Mines of Moria
I can't wait to explore the twists and secrets of this map! Do you like the new map? If you do, let me know in the comments section BEE-LOOOOOOOOOO!!!
Obsidian Miner
BTW, this is the 64th post I've made on this site since it began...and a 1, 2, 3, 4!! I GOT SOME WOOD TO COLLECT, I GET A 64 STACK, I LOAD UP MINECRA-you get the idea :D
BTW, this is the 64th post I've made on this site since it began...and a 1, 2, 3, 4!! I GOT SOME WOOD TO COLLECT, I GET A 64 STACK, I LOAD UP MINECRA-you get the idea :D
Hi guys!
Mario here, just a quick post to say I'm back from my 'trip'. I got back about 10 minutes ago, and that's at the time I'm typing this post!
So, I recently finished the Legend of Ariza spawn. I think how it will work:
Mario here, just a quick post to say I'm back from my 'trip'. I got back about 10 minutes ago, and that's at the time I'm typing this post!
So, I recently finished the Legend of Ariza spawn. I think how it will work:
- Instead of using a Portal Lighter, I will use a 'Pressure Portal', in which you will stand on a pressure plate and be teleported instantly to your first dimension.
- Most of the land WILL BE COMPLETELY FLAT (unless I build a volcano, a mountain etc).
Obsidian Miner
Friday, 5 October 2012
Going Away for 2 Days!
Hi guys!
Mario here with an IRL update!
I'm going away for 2 days: 'nuff said. There won't be any posts, videos or tweets during this time (unless I somehow magically get Wi-Fi at the hotel). So, cya for now! :D
Obsidian Miner
Mario here with an IRL update!
I'm going away for 2 days: 'nuff said. There won't be any posts, videos or tweets during this time (unless I somehow magically get Wi-Fi at the hotel). So, cya for now! :D
Obsidian Miner
Thursday, 4 October 2012
Battle for Conwy Update #2!
EDIT: The first update was actually never published. The first update consisted of the addition to the Medic class, which includes:
Hi guys!
- Paper - When you right-click a teammate, they will get Regeneration II for (what I think) 5 seconds.
- Cake - When placed, this will heal HEARTS, not hunger! And once that one has been eaten, you can place another, and another...oh, and another!
- A fact about the Medic: this is a SUPPORT CLASS!!! It has no weapon, no bow, no nothing-to-attack-with! DON'T buy this class if you do not go Support EVER (unless you want to help the server, of course)!
Hi guys!
Mario here with another update on the Battle for Conwy Castle server.
Well, this update is quite small, but still fun! First, some minor adjustments have been made to the Medic. And then, for the main part of the update: Rockslide changed the TopList! If you didn't know, the TopList is the top players on the server (at the time of post I'm 121st, out of 10,000+ players). Well, Rockslide changed it so:
- Your number and name go first
- The white number is your score.
- The green number is your kills.
- The red number is your deaths
- The BLUE NUMBER (NEW) is your heals.
When you heal a player, you will gain heal points, or 'Heals'. Please note you have to pay 5 euros in order to unlock the Medic class, which you need to earn Heals.
Obsidian Miner
The Legend of Ariza Maps Coming!
Hi guys!
Mario here with a BIG project I'm working on!
So I was just in a sort of foresty area thinking "What could be my project in Minecraft"? So I carried on walking home and thinking about that. Then, BAM! An idea hit me. I was thinking about doing an Adventure map, something I failed to do at an early stage of my Minecraft gameplay.
The map would be called 'The Legend of Ariza': but not just one map. I'm planning to do a TON of them, with different 'Episodes' and 'Chapters'. Let me explain:
EPISODES are the start to a new series of Legend of Ariza maps. They contain most of the maps.
CHAPTERS are the actual maps. You will progress through these in order to complete the episodes.
Singleplayer Storyline
You are a man called Hephaseus (pronounced Heff-a-zoos) and are wandering through your local park in your town, Hiera, one day. Suddenly, black clouds cover the entire sky and evil spreads through the world. A voice whispers in your ear: 'Ariza is captive'. You then faint...
You wake up in an iron room with 12 obsidian portal-shaped frames in it. This, my friend, is where your journey begins...
Multiplayer Storyline
You are a man called Hephaseus (pronounced Heff-a-zoos), and you are walking through the Hiera Village Park with your friend, Indigseus (pronounced Inn-dig-zoos). The sky suddenly goes black, and you and your friend faint randomly. Whilst asleep, you have a vision of a princess being hung and tortured.
You wake up in an iron room with 12 obsidian portal-shaped frames in it. This, my friend, is where your journey begins...
Player 1: Hephaseus
Player 2: Indigseus
Player 3: Martin
Player 4: Bob
Obsidian Miner
Mario here with a BIG project I'm working on!
So I was just in a sort of foresty area thinking "What could be my project in Minecraft"? So I carried on walking home and thinking about that. Then, BAM! An idea hit me. I was thinking about doing an Adventure map, something I failed to do at an early stage of my Minecraft gameplay.
The map would be called 'The Legend of Ariza': but not just one map. I'm planning to do a TON of them, with different 'Episodes' and 'Chapters'. Let me explain:
EPISODES are the start to a new series of Legend of Ariza maps. They contain most of the maps.
CHAPTERS are the actual maps. You will progress through these in order to complete the episodes.
Singleplayer Storyline
You are a man called Hephaseus (pronounced Heff-a-zoos) and are wandering through your local park in your town, Hiera, one day. Suddenly, black clouds cover the entire sky and evil spreads through the world. A voice whispers in your ear: 'Ariza is captive'. You then faint...
You wake up in an iron room with 12 obsidian portal-shaped frames in it. This, my friend, is where your journey begins...
Multiplayer Storyline
You are a man called Hephaseus (pronounced Heff-a-zoos), and you are walking through the Hiera Village Park with your friend, Indigseus (pronounced Inn-dig-zoos). The sky suddenly goes black, and you and your friend faint randomly. Whilst asleep, you have a vision of a princess being hung and tortured.
You wake up in an iron room with 12 obsidian portal-shaped frames in it. This, my friend, is where your journey begins...
Player 1: Hephaseus
Player 2: Indigseus
Player 3: Martin
Player 4: Bob
Obsidian Miner
Monday, 1 October 2012
Blog Update: September Views, What to Expect and More!
Hi guys!
Mario here with a quick blog update:
This blog was viewed 920 TIMES IN SEPTEMBER!!! That's awesome! Thanks to everyone who views this site regularly to look for the latest Minecraft news, all feedback is much appreciated. My target for October is 1000 VIEWS!!! The site is viewed approximately 20-50 times every day, which is even more awesome! Because of your viewing and feedback, I can work on the site to make it better. This is because I know people view the site, and I shouldn't be sticking with a nostalgic website forever!
You can expect a lot this month, including:
Mario here with a quick blog update:
This blog was viewed 920 TIMES IN SEPTEMBER!!! That's awesome! Thanks to everyone who views this site regularly to look for the latest Minecraft news, all feedback is much appreciated. My target for October is 1000 VIEWS!!! The site is viewed approximately 20-50 times every day, which is even more awesome! Because of your viewing and feedback, I can work on the site to make it better. This is because I know people view the site, and I shouldn't be sticking with a nostalgic website forever!
You can expect a lot this month, including:
- A storyboard in which you control how the story continues
- Moar videos! (MCInfected, Battle for Conwy Castle etc.)
- Even MOAR STUFF (including Minecraftia ALPHA updates)
Obsidian Miner
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