Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Server Spotlight: MC The Walls!

Hi guys!

Mario here with another Server Spotlight!

This time, it's MC: The Walls! Now, I think I've reviewed a Walls server already, but I'm pretty sure it closed down, PLUS this one is a lot more smooth!

If you've never played the Walls before, it's a game where you have 15 minutes to collect as many resources as you can, and then the walls will drop and players must fight to the death to ensure their team wins!

On this server, the playstyle is a little more different. There are 4 teams, each with 10 players on. There HAS to be 40 players online, otherwise the game will not start. At the spawn of each corner there are around 5 chests, each containing items (Bows, arrows etc.) and Emeralds, which can be used later. Gathering resources is the same, but different...

Team 1
Team 1 spawns in a Forest biome, with lots of trees, a rather big lake which flows randomly, and a couple of hills to craft and smelt a little more securely. There are massive delves in the lake which lead into cave systems, in which you can easily collect resources. Remember, there are ores hidden through walls randomly, so don't be put down if there aren't any visible ores!
Pros - has lots of wood, massive water supply for trolling enemies
Cons - not many cave systems, visible ores etc.

Team 2
Team 2 spawn in an Extreme Hills biome, with a couple of big hill. There are trees scattered around everywhere for your basic supply of wood, and the giant hill which is great for a base, storing items etc. There are some ravines that don't reveal much cave systems. You may have to dig to find a cave system, abandoned mine, etc.
Pros - quite a lot of wood, ravines to make trenches, a couple of hidden dungeons
Cons - dungeons are filled with traps, a lot of zombie spawning, not many visible cave systems

Team 3
Team 3 spawns in a Jungle biome, or I call it an Insane Jungle biome. The trees are massive, with gigantic roots hanging out all over the place. There are a couple of cave systems 

IP: Check http://www.mcthewalls.com for all the available servers


Saturday, 17 November 2012

Server Spotlight: Black Ops 2 Zombies in Minecraft!

Hi guys!

Mario here with a new Server Spotlight!

So, are you in my position:

I am most likely getting a PS3 for Christmas. From the day I posted this, that's over a month away. If I manage to get this PS3, it's gonna come with Black Ops 2. Now, whilst that's all good, the problem HERE is this: I don't wanna wait a month. Frankly, I wouldn't wait a week. So what can I do? Minecraft can't have Black Ops 2...OR CAN IT?

Yup, it can! This server puts Black Ops 2 Zombies into Minecraft! In case you don't know what Zombies is, it's a gamemode in Black Ops games in which you fight off waves of zombies. Normally, you would use a gun, but you use swords in Minecraft.

And it's not just Mob Arena! Oh no, there's lots of things from BlOps2 on this server as well...

Pack-a-Punch: Yes, you can Pack-a-Punch a sword! If you've never heard of Call of Duty, Pack-a-Punching is upgrading a gun, or in our case a sword, to make it better. It's rather costly, but worth it!
Barriers: Zombies will sometimes spawn behind wooden doors. They will try to break down the wooden doors, or barriers if you want to refer to Black Ops. If the zombies break down the barrier, they can walk through. It costs 40 points to repair a barrier, and it makes sure zombies don't escape from that barred place!
Item Sign: You can buy extra item which will be placed on random walls throughout the maps. These can have food and weapons on them!
Perk-a-Cola: A Perk-a-Cola machine is a 3-block tall structure which works like this. There will be 2 wools and a Redstone Lamp. If the lamp is on, you can use the machine. If it is off, you can't. A Perk-a-Cola gives you the given perk for 30 seconds (to name some are Quick Revive, Mule Kick and Juggernog)
Access New Areas: There will be iron doors which you can open by spending points. The prices vary from 750 to up to 3000 points!
Reviving: If a player loses all his/her hearts, they will glitch into the ground. A message appears in chat saying '[PlayerName] is down! You have 15 seconds to revive him!'. If you right click on a player and stay near them, you will revive them, and they will come back into the game!
Mystery Box: The Mystery Box is a box that can give you any random item, from a Wood Sword to Potions to a top-class Diamond Sword!

The zombies also hit harder! With no armor on, 1 zombie hit does 3 FULL HEARTS OF DAMAGE! That means 4 hits and you are DOWN, SON! There will sometimes be Attack Dogs (Angry Wolves) as well, so watch out for them!

That's just about everything! Now the IP: zombies.pu-mc.com

Obsidian Miner

Sunday, 11 November 2012

MCInfected v1.2 Released!

Hi guys!

Mario here with an MCInfected update!

The team at MCInfected recently updated ONE of their servers to their latest version (for testing). Here's the updates added:

They released some new maps! Their are 3 new maps and a replacement: Sealand, Getaway and Lookout are the new maps, and there is a new version of Erosion (I hope it's better than the old one...).

There are new kits for donors! Unfortunately, the new kits DO require the highest donor rank, Elite, which you need to donate $50 to get (or around £30 in GBP), which is rather expensive. The new kits do not have full details yet, but there is a Wither Skeleton, an Iron Golem and a Witch.

The new Message of the Day is dynamic, and shows what stage the server is in and what map is being/going to be played. The options are:

- Ingame - means there is a map being played, you'll spawn in-map as a Zombie
- Voting - means voting has started, you'll spawn in the Parkour area as a Human
- Starting - means the game has started, you'll spawn in-map as a Human

I am literally obsessed with servers in which playing more will give you more rewards, so I love the new prestige rewards you can get:

zPower (2 tokens) - Spawn with a stronger sword as a zombie (can be Wood, Stone or Iron)
Scavenger (2 tokens) - A chance to gain some loot from killing a zombie
Blast Shield (1 token) - Shortens all grenade effects

- You can no longer poison yourself
- Fixed void death

Currently, the only server that has these updates is: s5.mcinfected.com

Obsidian Miner

Community Update: New YouTube Series, Curiosity Patch and More!

Hi guys!

Mario here with a Community Update!

There WILL be a new YouTube series coming out: it WILL be a building series, I just need to figure out whether to do it in Creative or Survival mode...remember, you could help choose by leaving a comment!

Today is (supposedly) the day when 22Cans are releasing a new patch for their app, Curiosity: What's Inside the Cube? There were 2 major bugs that were/are going to be patched, which are:

  • There was only one worldwide server, so it became really awkward to join the server
  • Coins did not save, and you would lose lots of coins by quitting the game

These 2 bugs should be patched when the update is released!


Obsidian Miner

Friday, 9 November 2012

Free App Friday #1 - Curiosity: What's Inside the Cube?

Hi guys!

Mario here with FAF on the Minecraftia!

This week, it's an app that thousands have discovered: Curiosity - What's Inside the Cube? Now, the way I am going to describe the app is going to make it sound quite boring, but believe me: the things that sound boring are always addictive. You basically get a massive cube (and if it was to scale, it would probably fill New York) and your aim to break it down. However, it isn't as simple as tap the cube to shatter a layer: no, each layer has around 100 million TINY little 'cubelets', microscopic squares. You have to tap these, one by one, until the whole layer is shattered. Only then may you start working on the next layer. Don't worry, when you're online, any of cubelets tapped by others are recorded onto your phone, so it won't take you forever! There are approximately 64 BILLION cubelets on the whole cube, which adds up to:

64 billion divided by 100 million = 640 LAYERS!!!

So, 640 layers of 100 million tiny squares...this game is gonna take months to complete! However, there is apparently a life-changing prize hidden to the player that can break the last cubelet on the cube. I doubt it's anything special, I think it'll be a message saying 'Patience is a virtue' (you should get the joke if you know basic comedy). 

And each layer is also a unique colour or pattern. Here's the currently known colours:

Layer 1 - Black
Layer 2 - Green
Layer 3 - Orangey-Brown

I will post an update whenever a new layer is found, which won't be very often considering there are only about (approximately) 200,000 people that log on a day. Actually, more math...

100 million divided by 200,000 = an approx of 500 cubelets broken by an average player per day!

You can also buy items from a shop, using the coins you earn from breaking cubelets:

Firecracker - 5,000 coins - Place down firecrackers then touch them to set them off. See how long you can keep them going to achieve maximum destruction (4 Uses in 1 Buy).
Bomb - 115,000 coins - For a limited time each of your taps will set off a bomb, if you're fast enough to cause huge amounts of destruction (lasts 8 seconds).
Iron Chisel - 300,000 coins - Become more curious. Upgrade (for a limited time) by the power of 3, now each touch destroys 9 cubelets (lasts 5 hours).
Steel Chisel - 1,000,000 coins - The truly curious, require truly destructive power. Upgrade to super steel and take out a massive 25 cubelets per touch (lasts 7 hours).
Diamond Chisel - 3,000,000,000 coins - The ultimate in power, the ultimate in curiosity. Surely no one will be curious enough to gain the awesome power of Diamond (lasts 22 hours, 22 mins and 22 secs).

Only 500! Obviously, that's only an approx, some will break more, some will break less! I have broken (at the time of posting) around 600 cubelets so far! How many have you?

Obsidian Miner

Community Update: Computer, Forum and ALPHA!

Hi guys!

Mario here with another Community Update!

Hooray! My computer decided to work! If Paint.NET downloads, I can start on Kalo and Hullcity whilst I edit myself on Paint.NET

Now, once Paint.NET installs, I can begin my first Minecraftia ALPHA previewers. Remember, you NEED a Blogger account in order to win, and if no-one enters, then I'll just begin myself!

Obsidian Miner

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

This Is What Happens When My Computer Acts Up...

Hi guys!

Mario here with a kind of Community Update!

my computer...
Yes, it is so depressing I simply refuse to put the title in caps. My computer has been acting up BIG TIME...like, if you played on my computer 2 weeks ago, and then play on it now, you'd be able to tell the difference like chocolate and apples. My computer is horrifically stupid at the moment; it is impossible to multi-task on it, and my UAC (User Account Control) is stupid. My virus protection, MSE, is also being an idiot, by turning off when my computer does. Anyways, I might not get it fixed for a while, so please bear with me (no videos etc.) THERE WILL STILL BE BLOG POSTS, I HAVE MY LAPTOP!!!

Every month on the 10th, I will list my 10 favourite Minecraft-related songs. This month will be on Saturday, and the rest will be on the 10th of every month. If a song is highlighted green, it has moved up, if it is red it has moved down. If it's black, it's stayed where it was.

Obsidian Miner

Sunday, 4 November 2012

Community Update: Forum Works, 4000 Views and More!

Hi guys!

Mario here with quite a big Community Update!

I have quite a bit of spare time now, so I will try to make progress in the forums. I will have a section of the forum for General Chat, Minecraft News, Minecraft Servers and more!

Yup, the site reached 4000 views total today! As a celebration, I will be releasing the first chance for 2 lucky winners to get access to the Minecraftia ALPHA, which is still under the work!

Well, I've finished drawing me in Minecraft, and here's the actual sketched drawing (this isn't the finished product):

I'm sorry it's quite hard to see, but this is the version that came straight from my scanner. I've also finished Crazy, and he's in 2D with a bit of a weird sword, but don't worry, I'll draw another version soon!

So, I was thinking about opening a graphic shop if these drawings come out nicely! The word shop is used wrong when I use it: everything would be FREE! There may later be some kind of donation process which would give you things, but my aim is to provide all my Minecraft content free!

So, Crazy just opened a new website today, called Minecraft BOOM. Check it out here! There isn't much on it right now, but it'll soon brighten up!

Yes, today is my birthday! Don't ask me how old I am, I don't answer private questions (don't ask me why either). I am typing this on my birthday after playing Minecraft lots and just having a chill day :D

Around the site in the next few days, you may find a couple of blocks! This is because I SHOULD be starting YOUR CHANCE to win access to the Minecraftia ALPHA, a work-in-progress website which, if it looks better, should replace this Minecraftia's page. DON'T WORRY, ALL THE POSTS WILL STILL BE HERE!!! The website will just look different.

I'm also going to look into learning HTML/CCS, so I can code my own awesomeness into the site :)

Sorry this was so long, just a lot of stuff to update!

Obsidian Miner

Saturday, 3 November 2012

Server Spotlight: MCPvP's Call of Duty in Minecraft!

Hi guys!

Mario here with a new Server Spotlight!

However, before I begin, I'd like to say goodbye to Battle for Conwy Castle, one of the most amazing CTF servers yet. Unfortunately, the owner Rockslide is going to have to close the server as he cannot work and run a 24/7 server at the same time, and he said he 'needs to live somehow'. Thank you Rockslide, you helped me become a lot better PvPer. If only someone could carry on what has become a sensation, coming up to 9th on Minestatus!

Now on with the Server Spotlight! You may have heard of MCPvP before. If you haven't, they're an amazing group of servers, who have 7 different types of server:

  • Hardcore PvP: Survival, except with custom plugins coded with PvP in mind
  • Elite PvP: Premium PvP server, enchaned combat, economy, no potions or enchants
  • Capture the Flag: Pretty simple; Capture the Flag and take it back to your base
  • Hunger Games: Pretty much Survival Games, except you can break anything
  • Kit PvP: Start out with basic gear, you upgrade it as you fight
  • Deathban: The most extremely hardcore Minecraft server ever conceived
And now...Call of Duty in Minecraft! That's right, you don't even need any mods!

When you first login, you will get a message asking if you would like a texture pack installed automagically. Click YES ALWAYS!!! If you don't, you won't know what gun you are holding!
There are quite a few different guns: there's snipers, shotguns, automatics and pistols. Here's the list:


Desert Eagle

Model 1887


They are, however, adding a few more in the months to come. Anyways, there are 30 levels and I BELIEVE there's a Prestige, but I don't know. Anyways, here are the ranks:

Lvl 0 - NUB <--- lol, get it?
Lvl 1 - PVT - Private
Lvl 2 - PV2 - Private 2
Lvl 3 - PFC - Private First Class
Lvl 4 - SPC - Specialist
Lvl 5 - CPL - Corporal

Lvl 6 - SGT - Sergeant
Lvl 7 - SSG - Staff Sergeant
Lvl 8 - SFC - Sergeant First Class
Lvl 9 - MSG - Major Sergeant
Lvl 10 - 1SG - 1st Sergeant
Lvl 11 - SGM - Sergeant Major
Lvl 12 - CSM - Command Sergeant Major
Lvl 13 - SMA - Sergeant Major of Army
Lvl 14 - WO1 - Warrant Officer 1
Lvl 15 - CW2 - Chief Warrant 2
Lvl 16 - CW3 - Chief Warrant 3
Lvl 17 - CW4 - Chief Warrant 4
Lvl 18 - CW5 - Chief Warrant 5
Lvl 19 - 2LT - 2nd Lieutenant
Lvl 20 - 1LT - 1st Lieutenant
Lvl 21 - CPT - Captain
Lvl 22 - MAJ - Major
Lvl 23 - LTC - Lieutenant Colonel
Lvl 24 - COL - Colonel
Lvl 25 - BG - Brigadier General
Lvl 26 - MG - Major General
Lvl 27 - LTG - Lieutenant General
Lvl 28 - GEN - General of Army
Lvl 29 - MLG - Major League Gaming
Lvl 30 - PRO - Pro

Your rank is your prefix in the chat as well (just the 3 letter abreviation, not the full name).

Obsidian Miner

Server Spotlight: MCPvP's KitPvP!

Hi guys!

Mario here with another Server Spotlight!

In this Server Spotlight, I'll be talking about MCPvP and, in general, their KitPvP server.

If you don't know what MCPvP is, it is a website which (currently) has 7 PvP servers, only 1 of which is for Premium members. These servers are:

  • Hardcore PvP - Minecraft Survival server, with plugins custom-coded with PvP in mind!
  • Elite PvP - PREMIUM MEMBERS ONLY! Survival server with enhanced combat, economy AND no potion effects/enchants.
  • Capture the Flag - Just simple Capture the Flag; get the flag and return it to your flag. First team to five captures wins!
  • Hunger Games - This is just Hunger Games, except you can break any blocks, smelt, craft, enchant etc.
  • Deathban - You get 5 mins of invisibility. After that, players will be able to see you and kill you. Gold Nuggets represent the amount of blocks you may break. If you die, you get a 10 minute Deathban
  • There are 2 MORE SERVERS! I will talk about KitPvP in this Spotlight, and then another awesome server in another Spotlight...

Anyways, KitPvP is probably my favourite MCPvP server. You start out with about 15 bowls of Mushroom Soup, a Diamond Sword and full Iron Armor. Mushroom Soup HEALS you, it does not give you hunger. It heals by 3.5 - 4 hearts. The aim is to kill people. That's IT! This is PURE PvP!

However, it doesn't end there! You earn a certain amount of credits, the money on the server, every time you kill someone. This is based on the percentage of damage you do to the player (e.g, if you do 100% damage, you'll get more credits than if you do 30% damage). With these credits, you can buy different things!

You can see all the buffs by doing /buffs. You can add enchantments and other cool stuff to your weapon and armor. However, being more powerful makes it easier to kill people, so you'll get less credits for kills with the more buffs you get.

You can see all the debuffs by doing /debuffs. You can actually make yourself weaker on this server, like becoming an Archer or wearing Gold or Leather armor instead of Iron. All the debuffs are free, so you're not paying to become weaker! However, you get quite a few more credits with the more debuffs you have

You can see all the neutrals by doing /neutrals. Neutral items are just items that give you a SLIGHT advantage, and won't affect how many credits you earn. For example, you can buy more Mushroom Soup and Splash Pots of Poison. Neutrals do not affect your credit income as sometimes you will need more soup.

/protect - Adds Protection I to the armor (I believe it can be upgraded as you go along)
/knockback - Adds Knockback I to your sword (can be upgraded)
/sharp - Adds Sharpness I to your sword (can be upgraded)
/speed - Gives you Speed
/strength - Gives Strength II to those who use up their 15 minute starter
/diamond - Gives Diamond Armor

/archer - Replaces your sword with a Bow of Infinity I and 1 arrow
/hunger - Gives you hunger so you must use your soup to eat as well
/slow - Gives you Slowness
/gold - Replaces your Iron Armor with Gold Armor
/leather - Replaces your Iron Armor with Leather Armor

/repair - Gets rid of all your armor and replaces it with the default kit
/soup - Gives you about another 10 bowls of soup
/refill - Fills any empty inventory slots with soup. Makes you vulnerable for 10 seconds if outside of spawn
/poison - Gives you a Splash Potion of Poison

IP: kitpvp.us

Obsidian Miner