Tuesday, 12 February 2013


Hi guys!

Mario here with a 'Welcome back!' post!

The reason I've been away for so long are for a couple of reasons. The first of them is I've been playing a lot of Black Ops 2, which has taken up quite a decent amount of my time. The next reason is to do with real life, and I won't go into what has happened in real life (don't worry, no one died or anything :D) but it has been very busy. But the final and most important reason was because there were no Minecraft servers I wanted to go on. Most of the time, I spend my time on Multiplayer Minecraft servers, and most of these are minigames because survival servers are my worst enemy. So, I sorta left Minecraft for a month or so.

But now, I started a new Survival world, messed around a bit in Creative mode and played one Parkour map (FYI, it was the map Just Jump, which SkyDoesMinecraft, TrueMU and setosorcerer did), and I'm beginning to ease back into Minecraft again.

This means the return of YouTube, and it will be TOMORROW (or the 13th February 2013 for people looking in the future) that I'm getting the premium version of my video recording software. This means:

  • Pre-recorded videos, meaning I can put out 1 video every day!
  • COMMENTARY, which was suggested by a couple of people (turns out my webcam has a mic built into it)
  • Edited videos with random text, intro/outro (outro will have links to previous videos, Twitter etc.)
  • Probably tons more, considering how much comes with Screencast-o-Matic

Once I get this, we'll only have to wait for one more thing to come out before we can begin...

Super Hostile: Inferno Mines

Of course, what a way to celebrate all this by playing the newest of Vechs' Super Hostile maps! This should come out pretty soon, so I'll be doing an LP of that first!

Obsidian Miner