Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Gaming Questions #1: Should There Be Minimum Specs on Games?

Hi guys!

Mario here with a start to a new series, Gaming Questions.

My question for you guys is: do you believe in there being minimum computer specs for certain games?

On one hand, there should be. Minimum specs are there so that people who do not meet those standards will not get their computers blown up. This also helps for other players, especially in Multiplayer games, as having a laggy player on your team (for example) would take away a slot that someone with 1000000 FPS could've gotten. They're there so that things that shouldn't happen shouldn't happen.

On the other hand, it's annoying for those people who ALMOST meet the requirements, and have, let's say, 1 spec just below the minimum. Because of this, the player cannot play because he had the tiniest thing wrong with his/her computer. I am currently downloading a game which does have specs, and I am in a situation where, after looking at the minimum specs, I should meet every standard except one.

So, I present to you this question! If you would like to share your answer, leave a comment down below! You can remain anonymous, so don't worry about that!

Obsidian Miner

Sunday, 12 May 2013

Obsidian Gaming OPENED!!! Early Beta Stages Have Begun!

Hi guys!

Mario here with a welcome to the new site!

Obsidian Gaming is where I will post all of my Minecraft minigames. At the moment, I have only announced two: Modern Craftfare and MineMine. HOWEVER, there is a third MEGA project going under the works, that will hopefully be noticed as I will be spending a SUPER amount of time making it!

Anyways, Obsidian Gaming is open! Go check it out, we're in Beta v1.0 at the moment, so go check out the site when you're ready! You can find all of the FIRST 15 MAP NAMES AND DESCRIPTIONS on this site!

Click here to go to it!

Obsidian Miner

Saturday, 4 May 2013

Final YouTube Update Before The First Commentary!

Hi guys!

Mario here with a final YouTube update before I begin doing commentaries!

First of all, if I ever get the option, I won't be taking up YouTube as a sort of job or anything, it's going to be a hobby. There will still be videos, but I don't want any sort of permanent YouTube license thing.

Now onto the series that I'll be making! First one to note it REDStone, a series where I go through simple Redstone contraptions and what they do. This will help those that have no clue what Redstone does or is.

Then there's the MCPvP playlist and Super Gaming playlist. The reason I won't be doing any videos on Blocktopia servers is because most of their gamemodes are:

  • Survival (we all know how much I hate survival)
  • Long drawn-out minigames (they are still fun, but it's hard to watch on a video)

There's also a bunch of other series I have planned, but I'd also like to say something to you guys in case you were thinking about beginning to do commentaries.

I was talking to some of my real-life 'friends' (not really friends anymore) about making a YouTube commentary. Their immediate reaction was 'Oh, how so gay you are, Mario (Mario isn't my real name by the way, just used it instead of my actual name :P)!'.  First of all, if the person who said this is reading this post, I'm not gay and you have offended everyone that is. Second, they were 50% right. Making a commentary requires you to talk to yourself and your viewers, but no one really thinks that viewers are actual people.

BUT, the reason I am still going to post commentaries is because they weren't all right. There are many others that post them and most of them are entertaining, funny and awesome (these real-life 'friends' don't know funny when it hits them in the face). I came home and watched a couple of YouTuber's commentaries, and realized there was nothing wrong with trying to entertain people but, not for the money, for the laughs and the fun.

Sorry about the last emotional part, just thought I'd put that out there! If the people that said that to me are reading this, I hope you one day come up with the courage to do something with your life and stop criticising people.

Well, in other words, YouTube videos coming shortly,

Obsidian Miner

New 'Achievements' Page!

Hi guys!

Mario here with a website update!

So, I was thinking about all the possible achievements that could be made in games, and how none of the servers I play on have an achievements list that you can complete and earn rewards for. I can't give out rewards, but what I can do is create achievements!

The reason for this page is because I was playing The Walls on Hypixel's server today and noticed how repetitive it was. You got wood, made some base tools, mined iron, made full Iron Armor and a Sword and any other tools you may need, try to get to the diamonds in the middle when the Walls drop and then kill everyone. There wasn't really anything else to it (no offence to anyone that plays on the server, it's an amazing server!). So, I'm going to make a new ACHIEVEMENTS page, filled with a bunch of achievements you can complete on certain Minecraft servers. Some that I have plans for are:

  • Overcast Network - Project Ares
  • Overcast Network - Blitz
  • Hypixel - The Walls
  • Hypixel - QuakeCraft
  • Battle for Conwy Castle (long time no see!)
  • MCInfected (we should all know this server by now)
  • MCPvP Hunger Games
  • MCPvP Kit PvP
  • Blocktopia - Lava Survival
  • Blocktopia - TNT Wars
  • MC Halo (Server Spotlight coming soon)
  • Some ShotBow Network servers

The page will be pretty long and daunting, so I'll try and come up with a way to navigate to places quickly. Especially for Project Areas and MCPvP Hunger Games, I plan for a ton of possible achievements. I'm looking at some REALLY challenging ones to do with redstone and long Killstreaks on Project Ares, and some pretty interesting HG ones.

Obsidian Miner

P.S  Stay tuned, first Modern Craftfare update commentary coming soon!

Server Spotlight: MCPVP Hunger Games!

Hi guys!

Mario here with a redo of a Server Spotlight I did a while back!

It's an MCPvP server, called the Hunger Games! However, don't be fooled by the title, it's nothing like your average Hunger Games, where you spawn in a circle, find items and kill people. It's a lot different to that!

You spawn in a non-PvP mode, and you'll have the option between over 70 classes, which is insane! There are 3 classes you can play as for free, which change every 2 weeks. The other classes cost $2.50 each, and I'll come onto donating later. You can choose any class you own, and then you will spawn as that class. The classes at time of posting are:

  • Archer - Spawns with a Bow and 10 Arrows
  • Array - Spawns with 3 Beacons which, when placed down, automatically set to Regen II, healing anyone around you
  • Assassin - The compass will point towards a target and you won't have to update it by right-clicking on it. Right-click the compass to change target.
  • Backpacker - You spawn with a Chest in your inventory which, when double-clicked on, opens 54 inventory slots for you to store stuff in.
  • Barbarian - You start the game with a level up sword, which becomes stronger when you use it!
  • Beastmaster - You start the game with 3 Wolf Eggs, 4 Bones and a 100% chance to tame a wolf with 1 bone.
  • Berserker - When you kill someone, your bloodlust gives you Strength and Confusion.
  • Boxer - Fists do almost as much damage as a Stone Sword and incoming damage is decreased slightly.
  • Burrower - Create your own panic room in an instant
  • Cannibal - Damaging someone gives you Hunger back, and gives them Hunger.
  • Chameleon - Kill a mob and collect their item (e.g. Wool for Sheep, Zombie Flesh for Zombie, Raw Pork for Pig etc), and then hold the item to look like that mob!
  • Chemist - Start the game with one Instant Damage II, Poison II and Weakness II splash potions
  • Cookie Monster - Use your cookies to heal up, restore hunger or receive a Speed effect.
  • Crafter - You start the game with a Nether Star and Blaze Powder. Right-clicking on the Nether Star gives you the Crafting Table menu, and right-clicking on the Blaze Powder gives you the Furnace menu.
  • Cultivator - Wheat and Saplings grow instantly when planted.
  • Demoman - Stone Pressure Plate on top of a block of Gravel creates a Land Mine.
  • Digger - You start the game with 6 Dragon Eggs which, when placed, create a 5x5x5 hole in the ground.
  • Doctor - Diagnose players to remove all of their buffs and debuffs!
  • Dwarf - Hold down shift to charge up your fury, release it and knock anyone within a radius of you away.
  • Endermage - Starts with an End Portal which, when placed, teleports players that are directly above or beneath you up/down to you.
  • Explorer - Start with a Map which will show you where there are supplies, where SOME enemies are and more!
  • Fireman - You are immune to lightning and fire damage and you start the game with a Water Bucket.
  • Fisherman - You start the game with a Fishing Rod.
  • Flash - Instantly teleports you to the location you're looking at.
  • Fletcher - Gravel always drops 1 flint and Chickens always drop 2 feathers.
  • Forger - Forge ingots by combining coal and ores in your inventory
  • Frosty - Throwing a snowball at water turns it to ice and blocks into snow, and you get Speed II if you are on snow.
  • Gambler - You start with a Button. Place it anywhere and hit it to take a gamble. Will the button help you, or hurt you?
  • Ghost - You can click on your Ghost Tear to leave your body behind, you get Speed II, Jump Boost II and Night Vision when in Ghost Mode and you wear full White Leather Armor in Ghost Mode.
  • Grandpa - You start the game with a Knockback II Stick.
  • Gravedigger - Players you kill drop their items into their coffin (a Chest).
  • Hades - You can tame hostile mobs by right-clicking on them with your Iron Ingot (Note: must be the Iron Ingot you spawned with, it won't work with another ingot). Create a mob army!
  • Hermit - When the game starts, you are teleported close to the border of the map.
  • Hunter - Killing pigs always yields 2 Cooked Porkchops.
  • Jackhammer - Break a block and see the blocks break above it as well!
  • Jumper - Start the game with 5 Ender Pearls which do no damage and you will have a secure landing.
  • Kangaroo - Start with Boots that enable you to double-jump!
  • Kaya - You start the game with 16 Grass Blocks, which act as a false block, and when someone steps on them, they disappear!
  • Launcher - Start with Sponges that launch you and other players away!
  • Lumberjack - You start with an enchanted Wooden Axe. Chopping to bottom log of a tree will make the whole tree fall down!
  • Madman - Players within a 20 block radius of you gradually get weaker overtime.
  • Milkman - Drinking your Milk gives you Regen I, Speed I and Fire Resistance I, but you will automatically say in chat to anyone nearby 'I am the milkman, my milk is delicious!'.
  • Miner - Start with a Pickaxe. Eat an apple while on full Hunger to get a Haste effect (faster mining).
  • Monster - Monsters don't attack you unless you attack them first.
  • Necro - Skeletons are killed in 1 hit and always drop 2 Bones.
  • Phantom - Use a Feather on the ground to get a temporary flight ability (if you choose this class, a warning will be displayed in chat saying that you aren't fly-hacking).
  • Pickpocket - You can open other player's inventory and steal their items!
  • Poseidon - You get Strength I and Speed II whilst in water, and you cannot drown while you are moving.
  • Pyro - You start the game with 5 Fire Charges and a Flint & Steel.
  • Reaper - When you hit players with your Death Scythe, they get a Wither I effect for around 5 seconds.
  • Rider - Ride almost any passive mob in the game.
  • Salvager - Place down your Anvil and right-click on it with your tools and armor to receive the materials back (e.g. if you right-click on an Anvil with a Diamond Chestplate, you would get 8 Diamonds back).
  • Santa - Every minute you receive a present (Colored Wool) that you can give to players with that kit, and they get their starting items back (e.g. if you got a present for Spiderman and a Spiderman opens it, they get their snowballs back).
  • Scout - You start with 2 Speed Potions that regenerate overtime.
  • Seeker - You can turn a large area of blocks into glass, great for seeking ores.
  • Snail - Do damage to others and you have a 1 in 3 chance to give them a Slowness II effect.
  • Spiderman - Throw snowballs to create Spider Webs to trap enemies in!
  • Spy - Your compass gives you the EXACT coords of a player and you are alerted when enemies are nearby.
  • Stomper - No matter what height you fall from, you'll take 2 hearts of fall damage. If you fall on top of a player, you push whatever fall damage you usually would've gotten onto them.
  • Summoner - Throw an egg at a mob to capture it and then throw down the Spawn Egg to release it.
  • Surprise - Get a completely random kit out of any of the kits, even ones you don't own!
  • Tarzan - Holding your vines will grow vines all around you.
  • Thor - Call down lightning onto players with your Wooden Axe.
  • Timelord - Right-click your watch to freeze time around you, trapping your enemies.
  • Turtle - Crouch to take minimal damage, but you cannot attack while crouched.
  • Urgal - Start the game with 3 Strength I pots.
  • Vampire - Kill players to get health back, and heal from Instant Damage potions (Note: you take damage from Instant Health potions).
  • Viper - For every hit you do to a player there's a chance they will get a Poison effect.
  • Warder - Place a long protective wall that gives players that run through it Speed I for 5 seconds and Protection I for 30 seconds.
  • Werewolf - Get a Strength and Speed boost at night, and a Weakness effect during the day.

Well, that's all the classes at time of posting, with more being added soon! When the game begins, you'll spawn as your corresponding class and you'll be in a normal Survival world with 50-100 other players. Start by getting some base weapons and tools together and then go mining for iron. Mining Diamond Ore does NOT drop Diamonds, and the only way to get diamonds is from NPC Villages (Blacksmith) or to use the Salvager class and turn a Diamond Sword/Armor into Diamonds again.

After 2 minutes of invincibility, the killing begins! Will you be the hunter or be the hunted? Some classes are Support roles, some are Defensive PvP roles and others are Aggressive PvP roles (I'll do some kit videos soon and that'll categorize them). Support classes, such as Cultivator or Fletcher, provide the team with good gear in order for them to fight off enemies. Defensive PvP roles, such as Berserker or Turtle, allow players to fight yet not get a massive PvP boost. Aggressive PvP roles, such as Urgal or Viper, allow you to go all in, 'souping' away whilst killing enemies.

Now, onto the Souping System! One of the most unique parts of the MCPvP servers is that Mushroom Soup has been recoded. Slurping your soup will heal hearts, and once you're at full health it heals hunger. This means that players have invented the art of Souping. This is where you go into a PvP fight, and slurp soup in order to heal whilst in the fight. One technique known as 'Quickdropping' is where the player quickly drinks a bowl of Soup, throws the empty Bowl on the ground and then grab out your Sword and continue PvPing. This requires fast fingers!

After a while, the coordinates of the Feast will be announced! The Feast provides high-tier equipment for the player that they couldn't get anywhere else, like Diamond Gear, Potions, Presents and Enchantment Tables. Getting to the Feast first can give you a major advantage over your opponents!

There will sometimes be Mini-Feasts, where there isn't as much provided, but there is still some good gear there, like food and weapons.

Well, that's about it for this server, unless you like hearing THE LAST GUY STANDING WINS!! Thanks for reading, videos will be coming REAL soon (I just need some time to put one together now, I have the video recording software now :D).

Obsidian Miner