Hey guys!
Mario here with a quick update on the channel!
So, in case you didn't know, I have my own YouTube channel now, as well as the Obsidian Miners and my Call of Duty clan, EXaMPlE (links to mine, ObsidianMiners and EXaMPlE).
So anyways, I'll start off by saying the site is nearing 25000 VIEWS!!! I'm working on learning HTML code as it's not too difficult to learn, so there may be a MASSIVE site redesign at around 30-40k views.
Anyways, me, Olly and Joel were playing on a Factions server and we actually got set up pretty well (diamonds, iron, redstone, raided 5 bases etc.). So, there'll be a series on EXaMPlE pretty soon called Factions. I'll be posting the main LP on EXaMPlE, HOWEVER, I'll be posting all of our raids on my channel as well, and any bonus footage on my channel as well.
So guys, prepare for the EXaMPlE Clan and ObsidianMiners to combine to create the ultimate faction, and destroy any who oppose it...
Obsidian Miner