I have chosen the first server to be in the Server Spotlight! It is called the Nightplace Survival Server, and it is probably one of the best servers I've tried! Here's some information about it!
Name: Nightplace survival
Server IP:
Max Slots: 40
This is where you spawn
Here is one area in the server
And believe me or not, there are too many parts of the world to describe. Crazydude676 has bought Minecraft as well, and is currently playing on this server too! He thinks the same, and we both have factions that are enemies (mine is called DarkVenom, Crazy's is Viper). Yes, they have snake-like names, but we like them all the same as I'm sure you do!
This server uses the MyPortal plugin (I think it's called that) which allows users to teleport to different areas (there is 3 builds, 1 nonbuild, a mine and much more!). I will explain the factions in another post, so don't be too worried if you want to join. There are dozens more plugins, but one of the main ones is called ChestShop. This is where you stock stuff in a chest, then place a sign with buy/sell prices on. They also uses the SignLock plugin, in which you can lock chests by placing a sign like this:
(player name 1)
(player name 2)
(player name 3)
I have made this the main server I will be going on for a while. I used to go on it about a week ago, but a faction destroyed our homeland, so I quit for a while. The server was formed in 2010, and has been advertising a lot on PlanetMinecraft.
This is really as much as I can say, the rest is for you to find out! An action-packed server with dozens of plugins, factions...oops, forgot to mention the staff! They are really kind and will answer questions (only ask once, they will have seen it unless they were AFK or offline).
Overall Rating
Exciting: 9/10
Plugins: 8/10
Staff: 9/10
Spawn: 9/10
I would've given it a 10/10, but other people don't like it as much as me and Crazy, and because there's also room for improvement. Anyways, have you tried the server? Let us know in the comments!
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