Sunday, 15 April 2012

Server Spotlight: Killion Detention Center!

Hi minecraftians!

Today I want to look at a prison-based server, by the name of Killion Detention Center, the #1 and fastest-growing prison server on Minecraft! You start out as a Charlie Prisoner in the C-Block, in which there are little resources, people constantly waiting to kill you! QUICK TIP: Under any circumstances, even the threat of death in-game, NEVER type /kill or /killion! These two commands will kill you, losing your precious items!


For the sake of 'before' you join the server, I will tell you about all the ranks! It ain't nice to go in and think 'Where the hell am I'? So:

This is where you begin. C-Prisoners, or Charlie Prisoners, get the worst experience of the prison. In every corner players lurk in the shadows, waiting to creep up on you and kill you. The lack of supplies stinks quite bad. You get birch-wood, cobble, coal, iron, diamond (only purchasable), fish/cooked fish and the white wood planks. With a shop, mine, tree farm, bank, public work area and a fishing pond, it is the least supplies you will have throughout your wholr experience!

In order to become a B-Prisoner, or Bravo Prisoner, you must type /rankup once you have $15,000 in-game money. I recommend doing this AS SOON as you have $15,000 as you then have access to some more supplies. 2 new quarries make life a little easier, alongside more security. Remember, you can visit the less-secure C-Block if you need to, for the old supplies. However, you'll need a lot more money to get to the next block...

This is the 2nd highest prisoner rank possible. You now need $35,000 in-game money and a B-Prisoner rank in order to progress to here. However, it is COMPLETELY worth it. A-Prisoners, or Alpha Prisoners, now have access to a new quarry, a place where you can kill creatures, more ways to make money and a MUCH higher rate of security. Compared to Charlie Prisoners, you are well guarded and not many people will attack you. I recommend maybe buying some diamonds, making some armor and then getting A-Prisoner. Or, stick around as A-Prisoner and make some diamond tools, THEN go for...

E-Prisoners, or Elites, is the highest prisoner rank at Killion. It costs $65,000 in-game money and an A-Prisoner rank in order to get here. You can continue to mine as well as slay pigs and become a farmer and harvest cactus. You can also get private working areas, as well as access to the warden shop! Maximum security ensures you'll not have to watch your back as often!

Free Prisoner
You are now free! To become free, you require $100,000 in-game money and the Elite-Prisoner rank in order to get here. Obviously, every rank you go up until Free you type /rankup. You can now gather resources, dig the caves for gold and diamond, chop down pine and jungle wood, build a fortress, you can now play Minecraft like a normal player. However, the perks don't stop! You can now use the Black Market, a place where users can sell anything (except illegal items) they wish. Illegal items include swords, bows, arrows and harmful/poisonous potions. However, if there are no guards around, you and others can be sneaky to draw your weapons and begin to attack each other...

C-Guards are the first mod rank. You must apply here in order to get any guard rank, and all guards start as a C-Guard. These mods guard the C-Block and watch over Charlie Prisoners. If you catch anyone in C-Block with an illegal item or killing someone, you have full permission to go and punish them. If the C-Prisoner you see killed someone, you can kill them back (Note: I'm sure that guards' swords have Sharpness V and Fire Aspect enchanted on them, resulting in an almost instant-kill). If you see an illegal item, you ask for it back. You count down from 5 in the chat and if they do not give you the illegal item within the time, you can jail them (aka put them in Solitary Confinement). If you retire from this rank, you become a Charlie Prisoner again.

B-Guards come after C-Guards. You get promoted from C-Guard by a Warden for this rank, and you must apply for C-Guard on the forum post. B-Guards, as titled, guard the B-Block and watch over the Bravo Prisoners. As C-Guards do, you have access to take illegal items and kill players, although in the B-Block. If you retire from this rank, you become a Bravo Prisoner.

A-Guards come after B-Guards. You get promoted from B-Guard by a Warden for this rank, and you must apply to become a guard on the forum post. A-Guards, as titled, guard the A-Block and watch over the Alpha Prisoners. As B-Guards do, you have access to take illegal items and kill players, although in the A-Block. If you retire from this rank, you become an Alpha Prisoner.

Sr Guard
Sr Guards come after A-Guards. It is the fourth and final Guard rank in Killion. With this rank, you can watch over ANY Block and Prisoners. This is the first rank that has access to ban commands. If you retire from this rank, you become either an Elite or a Free Prisoner.

Wardens are the admins of the server. Only the best of the best will earn warden - all the decisions of the prison are made by Wardens. Wardens can be serious and complicated yet fun and entertaining!

Sr Warden
Not much to explain really - this is not an accessible rank, and it is reserved for the 2 owners of the server.

Now, my description of this server:

Killion Detention Center (fondly known as KDS) is a fantastic server! The community is very survival-fond and hardcore when it comes to keeping precious tools and armor. The server was set up by markillion in 2011 and has been going for a while now! It is a prison-based server in which players are supposedly locked away in jail for a crime they did not commit. Players now must drag themselves through Killion into the different work stations and collect supplies to sell for money. Work in the mines, collect some birch logs or snipe someone and collect their supplies. Be careful though: if the guards in Chainmail see you, you're dead!

Well, that's it for now! Did you like the server? Let us know in the comments!


Obsidian Miner

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