MC MiniGames

I'm currently developing a bunch of mini-games for people to play within Minecraft! Below is a list of all of the mini-games that I am working on an the link to their Minecraft Forum page once they are done!

MineMine is a unique mini-game that combines mining and PvP. For the first 10 minutes of the game, you mine and collect resources and gain points for selling blocks and gems that you find. There will be different areas that you can buy with these points, like an enchant room, a Legendary Pickaxe store and different items that will help you in the game. After 10 minutes, the PvP Store will open at the end of each zone and you will be able to buy armor, weapons, Bows and helpful PvP items that will help you. This will be open for 5 minutes. After 5 minutes, all of the players will be teleported to the PvP Arena, where a game of Team Deathmatch will begin. Friendly fire is turned off on both sides, meaning players cannot hurt players on the same team. However, there is a twist. Depending on how many points each team earned in total, a team will gain Perks and Buffs, meaning that depending on how much you mined, determines how much more of an advantage you will have over your opponents. After a set amount of kills (will be 20 for small map, 30 for medium-sized map and 40 for big map), the game will end, and the team with the max amount of kills wins!

Minecraft Forum link: COMING SOON!!!

Craft Tower Defense
Craft Tower Defense hasn't begun it's progress yet, but it will be a game of two teams: Crafters and Monsters. Crafters will have to act as turrets in order to defend against the different monsters. There will be different types of turrets: Archer Turrets, Sword Turrets, Bomb Turrets, Super Turrets, Spikes and more! With Monsters, there will be different levels of monster, from Zombie and Skeleton being the weakest to the Enderdragon and the Wither being the strongest. They will have to run through the turrets without any weapons and make it to the pressure plate at the end in order to deduct a life from the Crafters. The Crafters only have 20 lives, but will probably survive the first few waves of Monsters because the lower-tier monsters get Slowness, with the highest-tier Monsters getting Speed. It gets hard, but if you manage through 25 waves, the Crafters will win!

Minecraft Forum link: Coming Eventually, progress hasn't even begun.

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