Friday 29 March 2013

Minecraft Stories #1 - Getting Banned for Stuff you Didn't Do!

Hi guys!

Mario here with a hilarious story that just happened!

It was last night at around 10:30 when I found an epic server, and I instantly liked it. It was an MMORPG-style Minecraft, and it was awesome.

The next day, I was playing on this server (by the way, the next day is today) and I began running out of the spawn to go kill some enemies. I find loads and I kill quite a lot of them. After killing around 7 enemies, a whole bunch of them come flying at me! I try to dodge around them and kill them, and I succeed. However, I somehow manage to get up onto the Bedrock Path, which leads to the enemy's spawn. Suddenly, a class with explosives blows up in front of me and I am sent flying down onto the ground again. I am now at 1.5 hearts, so I quickly splash myself with a Potion of Healing (this server had a plugin where any potion splashed, not just Splash Potions). I begin to advance forward to try and get back up onto the Bedrock Path when suddenly:

You have been banned! Reason: Hacking-Permaban

My instant reaction is 'Surely this is just a troll!' because this server was awesome and I wouldn't even think of hacking it, let alone any other server. So I go to their website, which just so happens to be an Enjin website, so I had an account. I go to their Ban Appeals page and post the exact thing that is below:

Name: Mariobros980
Reason for Ban: I don't know, it said Hacking-Permaban when I haven't done anything
When Banned: Got banned on 29th March, and when I was about to die I splashed myself with a Pot of Regen I had gotten, and then it just came up with the screen randomly. I do have one mod installed, OptiFine, but I don't see how that hacks/cheats at the game,
Reason(s) you should Unban Me: Because I didn't hack/cheat/xray and I didn't really do anything wrong, unless splashing yourself with Regen to heal counts :)

So I went offline for a bit to go have lunch, and I come back on and the mod who banned me has replied:

"Sadly I do not think you are telling the truth, I saw you fighting a bunch of mobs and then suddenly fly up to the bedrock path. You flew way to gracefully to have been hit up there by the zombies."

And there, my friends, is the sad sad sad sad SAD sad sad truth that is that I was sure to be banned from this server. Thanks a lot to the guy that did this (not gonna name him, but hopefully he's reading this and knows who he is), much appreciated :D. I begin to come up with a reply in hope that I may not get banned for doing nothing, with this:

"It's fine you don't believe me, but I am telling the truth about everything I have said. I do remember going up to the bedrock path, although I can't remember how, and then a Creeper (one of the classes) exploded in front of me and sent me flying back down. I splashed myself with the Regen Pot, moved forward a little and was banned. That was exactly what I remember in the short time span that happened."

I instantly read through this and realize how this makes me look even more like a hacker, despite my innocence (just a note, if any of you readers think I actually AM a hacker, go watch some of my videos here, you might realise I'm not). Me putting 'although I can't remember how' is one very common phrase a hacker may use, as well as the word 'remember', which when used incorrectly will send you spiralling down into the Pit of Innocence.
          After playing on another server with the exact same gamemode except a little different, I checked back and another Mod has replied with:

"I honestly think you're lying. If a mod banned you, they would be certain that you were hacking, so in this case

DENIED (yes, in big capital letters, so that they throw me even deeper into the Pit of Innocence)

Please lock. :)"

Just for the record, locking is when a high-rank Admin blocks you from posting anything else on that particular thread. Later, a Super-Mod by the name of super_me on the forum comes and locks the post (I posted his name just because he wasn't a part of the ban). So there you go.

I was actually planning on doing a few videos and a Server Spotlight on this server, but now the post is getting deleted and I'll just have to find another server of a similar kind to record on. I'm not giving any information on the server because they have banned me for no reason and I don't want anyone else going on that server and hating. However, I will now tell you it was a Dwarves v Zombies server and that when I said 'a guy with explosives' I meant a 'Creeper'.

Obsidian Miner

P.S. If any of the people who banned me read this, don't unban me. You'll probably just falsely ban me again for no reason and I'll have to repost a similar thing.

P.S.S. I'll be releasing a commentary (hopefully sometime Sunday or Monday, on MCSkullHunter).

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